Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Forced Prostitution: "Comfort Women" System:
Types: Sexual Assault: »Comfort women - girls and women forced into sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army - experienced trauma during and following their enslavement. Comfort stations were initially established in 1932 within Shanghai, however silence from the governments of South Korea and Japan suppressed comfort women's voices post-liberation. Catalysed by the feminist-led Redress movement of the 1990s, the cause of comfort women has since been better publicised – in part due to the role of the visual arts in promoting healing and the creation of activist communities.« -- More information: Wikipedia Representations: Art: Jane Jin Kaisen I. Author Index [Info] Camacho López, Andrés. »Revisión de Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women de Miki Dezaki« HArtes 4 (2023): 71-74. [Info] Jennison, Rebecca. »The Past Within Her: Tomiyama Taeko's Sorrows of War and the 'Postwar' ~ What a Woman Artist Saw.« To?yo? bunka 101 (2021): 123-142. II. Speaker Index - |